Jeroen Lutters

Creative Theories of (Just About) Everything

Creative Theories of (Just About) Everything

Have you thought of the creativity as an energy? What if creativity is everything, and is everywhere? What if it is the force shared between everything. This book is the question mark rather an answer, a search for harmony. Change your point of view of what it means being “creative”.

"Once we start look at life in this creative way, we become far freer and more fluid, in our quest for inspiring relations with our environment. This is, in fact, what artists do. They do not utilise their objects, but initiate a conversation with the environment. Listening to what it has to offer, as well as offering something of themselves to the environment, which it still lacks. This is how the art grows. The principle has more common with dialogue and communication that with monologue and utilisation"
Creative Theories of (Just About) Everything